Tuesday, May 29, 2007

This explains SO much

We're at dinner in our hotel, having just enjoyed a dinner of mysterious fried substances and bread. Everything in Dubrovnik tastes the same, like the town fries it in a central deep frier and messengers it out to restaraunts, where they microwave it when you order. Mmmmm. Cuisine from behind the iron curtain is kind of lame, it turns out.

At dinner, I was telling my parents that I'm really scared I'm going to drop someone's baby one of these days. Instead of comforting me, they confessed to me that THEY had dropped ME when I was a baby! On my head! Onto a concrete floor! Suddenly, my total lack of hand-eye coordination and inability to keep track of my wallet makes TOTAL sense. At least they don't seem wracked by guilt, so apparently dropping babies isn't really that bad. Phew!
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