Monday, May 28, 2007


It's raining in Dubrovnik, and apparently that's supposed to continue all week. Bummer!

In other news, last night we decided thst it must be ok to drink the tap water here, since our guide book doesn't say not to, and my dad thought the rule of thumb is that western cities are ok. Although the former Yugoslavia is an exception to that rule about how countries with McDonalds don't fight wars, so maybe it's an exception to the tap water rule, too. Evidence to that effect turned up this morning when the hotel bartender advised Maggie to steer towards bottled water. Was he trying to make a buck, or am I headed for a bad case of Slobodan's Revenge? Updates to follow, possibly whiny ones.
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1 comment:

Arjana said...

although you left Dubrovnik some days ago, I couldn't help but say that it's absolutely safe to drink tap water anywhere in Croatia.

Nice blog.
Arjana - Traveloteacher