Monday, July 9, 2007

twenty four LONG toothless hours

my smile, restored
Originally uploaded by Ffoggy

Last night Nick and I were munching on our customary pre-dinner baguette when I heard a cracking noise, and then felt something small, hard, and tooth-shaped floating around in my mouth. I've had this experience before, and let me tell you, it is NOT a good feeling. Fortunately, it was just the plastic fake tooth insert I've been wearing since one of my real teeth said sayonara last February, so there was no pain and I didn't have to deal with the emotional trauma of losing a chunk of my skeleton.

Still, I was dismayed to find myself looking like Cleetus the Slackjawed Yokel. I've been carefully hiding my lack-of-tooth from Spicer for months now, banishing him from the bathroom when I have to take out my falsie to brush. There was nothing to be done about it now, though -- I had to cave and show him my gaptoothed grin. To his credit, his insistence that I don't need all my teeth to look pretty was actually fairly convincing. Everyone else who's seen me toothless has noticeably winced, including my dentist and the lady at the DMV who took my driver's license photo. Spicer managed to keep a totally straight face, though. Maybe we shoulda gone to Vegas and hit the poker tables instead of Paris, huh?

Anyway, in a development that I'm sure comes as a surprise to no one who knows me well, I now have a dentist in Paris. He's very nice, saw me on short notice, worked efficiently, and speaks excellent English. He charges a lot, but believe me, when you need a dentist in a foreign city, you don't care much about price. I was so thankful to have my smile back that I promised I'd talk him up on the inter-web, so here we go:

Dr. Patrick Bauer
71, avenue Franklin Roosevelt
75008 Paris, Metro St-Philippe du Roule
Tel: 01-4225-7630


RadioTodd said...

Nice Simpsons reference with the Cleetus! I fell on the floor laughing! I love your blog!

Holly said...

Oh my gosh, that's terrible! I am currently awaiting a finished crown to sit atop my dental implant so I know the pain of being toothless, and trying to break through the stereotype that our family tree is in fact a wreath. I can only imagine doing that in a foreign country.

Enjoy the rest of your trip!

Michael Balter said...

Hey, he's my dentist too, for the 20 years I have been living in Paris! I landed on your site because I was too lazy to look up his number in the directory and tried the Web instead.

Keep smiling, Michael

Samuel said...

Oh, those baguettes! Believe it or not, I also lost a tooth while munching on a baguette. Well, I'm not saying that it's entirely the bread's fault. My dentist (Bartlett-based) told me that my tooth was probably loose already when the awful incident happened. He added that Bartlett dentists like him usually encounter instances similar to mine, so it really didn't surprise him.

Oh well, I guess I should just be more careful next time. By the way, it was really nice of Spicer to say that you don't need a complete set of teeth to look pretty.

Ferdinand said...

Great work group
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